Default Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-dialog

Small Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-dialog or app_modal_sm

Center Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-dialog-centered

Scrollable Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-dialog-centered or modal-dialog-scrollable

Full Screen Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-fullscreen

Full Screen Sm Down Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-fullscreen-sm-down

Full-Screen Md Down Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-fullscreen-md-down

Full Screen Lg Down Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-fullscreen-lg-down

Full Screen Xl Down Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-fullscreen-Xl-down

Full Screen Xxl Down Modal

if you want to keep the defalt modal then you can keep it using modal-fullscreen-Xxl-down

Themes Modal

You can use custom modals with themes colors.